Bottlenose dolphins and human interactions in the northen Adriatic Sea.
This study analyzed the spatial distribution of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in the coast of Veneto (northen Adriatic Sea). Also, it is evaluated the effect of fishing activities to dolphin´s ocurrences in this area, which is one of the world´s most affected areas heavily impacted by fishing and other human encroachment.

The results shows that dolphins encouters increased by 4-5 times near trawlers and there is a hotspot of 832 km2, situated off the Po river delta. These results are based on individual tracking with photoidentification by dorsal fins and the application of capture-recapture models performed in this same place. Up to 600 individuals were identified over a 2-year period. Because of this regular ocurrence of the bottlenose dolphin, this area has been certified as an Important Marine Mammal Area and the management of the fisheries activities should be reviewed.
Bonizzoni S, Furey NB, Bearzi G (2020) Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: spatial distribution and effects of trawling. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
Bearzi G, Bonizzoni S, Riley MA, Santostasi NL (2020) Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: abundance and management implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.