Strandings patterns and diets of striped dolphins in portuguese coasts (1981-2014).

This study investigates stranding patterns and diet of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the portuguese coasts, from years 1981-2014. The results shows that striped dolphins are mostly piscivorous. Main preys found in stomachs of dolphins stranded are sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), which interferes with fisheries target species.

In this area, the species is threatened by fishery bycatch, habitat loss, contaminant bioaccumulation and prey depletion due to overfishing. It is necessary to adequate fishery management measures and preserve a species and contribute to “attain good environmental status” aimed by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive [MSFD – 2008/56/EC].
Reference: Ana Marçalo, Joan Giménez, Lídia Nicolau, Jessica Frois, Marisa Ferreira, Marina Sequeira, Catarina Eira, Graham J. Pierce, José Vingada (2021). Stranding patterns and feeding ecology of striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, in Western Iberia (1981–2014). Journal of Sea Research, 169.