POPs concentrations in cetaceans stranded along the agricultural coastline of SE Spain show lower burdens of industrial pollutants in comparison to other Mediterranean cetaceans.

A study was carried out to determine the concentration of OPCs, PBCs, and PBDEs present in the blubber of stranded cetaceans in SE Spain. Most samples showed values above the detection limit, which, according to pre existing literature, are likely to result in health consequences, including immunosuppression and reproductive impairment.
López-Berenguer, G., Acosta-Dacal, A., Luzardo, O. P., Peñalver, J., & Martínez-López, E. (2023). POPs concentrations in cetaceans stranded along the agricultural coastline of SE spain show lower burdens of industrial pollutants in comparison to other mediterranean cetaceans.Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159743. https://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159743