The following Deontological Code defines the principles and the norms that all MEDACES contributors are called to observe and fulfil:
- MEDACES is an international scientific service related to research and management for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea. With the support of ACCOBAMS and the UNEP-MAP-SPA/RAC, the Database will cover the whole ACCOBAMS area.
- The SPA/RAC, will act as depository and trustee of the database. The SPA/RAC might delegate its management to a public institution of any Mediterranean country.
- The main objective of MEDACES is to gather the basic information of all the cetacean stranding in the Agreement Area.
- The information will be submitted to the database annually by individual contributors or, preferably, through the local stranding networks managers or the National Focal Points of SPA/RAC and ACCOBAMS.
- Each author will have the right to free use of the information submitted by him after submission to the database.
- A report will be periodically published with the information provided to MEDACES, in which all contributors will be listed.
- The public, through an Internet web site, will have access to basic data deposited by researchers of the different states.
- Persons other than contributors will not make use of the data registered to MEDACES for scientific publications, unless permission is given in written by the contributors and MEDACES managers. In order to safeguard the property of the data, MEDACES will record the contributors of every data. If publishing, the acknowledgment of the data providers and MEDACES with explicit quotation in the publication is required.
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