Odontocete cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide.
Several populations of odontocete cetaceans, including at least 19 species, have modified their behavior and adapted to foraging in association with trawlers. You can access the article here
Several populations of odontocete cetaceans, including at least 19 species, have modified their behavior and adapted to foraging in association with trawlers. You can access the article here
On the occasion of ACCOBAMS 25th Anniversary, we are thrilled to announce the release of ACCOBAMS New book on the Conservation status of Cetaceans! You can access the book here
A sick whale calf that had been rescued off the coast of Athens has now been found dead, Greek authorities said. The body of the young Cuvier’s beaked whale was found on Wednesday off...
The 33rd annual European Cetacean Society conference will be taking place in Ashdod, on the Mediterranean coast of Israel from 5-7 April 2022. This will be the first hybrid event in the history of...
In European waters, cetacean conservation tends to focus on direct and obvious threats. Cetacean conservation should go beyond just avoiding further population decline or warding off the extinction of single species. Allowing only the...
An 18-metre-long fin whale was trapped on the 14th of july for about four hours at the Valencia Yacht Club in Spain. The animal was able to return to the open sea guided by...
Factors that likely contributed to making common dolphins increasingly less common include incidental mortality in fishing gear, habitat degradation, and the effects of chemical pollutants, underwater noise, and climate change. These impacts may have...
A young grey whale lost in the Mediterranean is looking for its way home. Wally entered the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar Strait probably in march, followed Moroccan coast before cutting across to Italian shores,...
The Fifth Conference on Cetacean Conservation in South Mediterranean Countries (CSMC5) welcomes experts in cetacean-related science and knowledge, particularly from the South Mediterranean region, aiming at exchanging experiences and information and at discussing best...
This study investigates stranding patterns and diet of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the portuguese coasts, from years 1981-2014. The results shows that striped dolphins are mostly piscivorous. Main preys found in stomachs of...
35th annual European Cetacean Society Conference
20 Feb, 2024